Reconstruction is essential

An eagle has a life of seventy years, but when he reaches his fourties; he needs to take a very important and vital decision of his life. His three main organs start getting weak and useless, nearly stop functioning in this stage. His paws become long and flexible and because of that he can't catch any prey. He can't eat because his beak bends down. His wings become heavy and don't properly open as they stick to his chest. Eagle limits its flights. Finding food, catching preys and eating, all these three things become too difficult for him. At this time he has only three choices. 

  1.  To give up on life.
  2. To kill his own attitude and live life like a vultures (survive on dead bodies)
  3. Prove himself to be the uncrowned king of the skies.

Where first two options are easy, third one is the toughest and the most dangerous. Eagle chooses third option. He goes on the apex of mountains. Builds his home in a lone place and starts his own reconstruction. First of all he breaks his beak by banging it on the rocks.
What else can be more painful than breaking its beak for a bird?  And waits for growing a new beak, breaks his own paws and waits to grow them back new. When new beak and paws grow up, he pulls his each and every wing out and waits for the new wings. After the pain, patience and wait of hundred and fifty days he gets his royal eagle flight back. He lives thirty years after this reconstruction...with the power and pride!

Just like this, as time goes humans too feel their confidence, energy and creativity weaker. We too must abandon our past weaknesses and fly free and high!
Not hundred and fifty days, give only sixty days to reconstruct yourself! Pain is obvious when you're plucking out the things that are sticked to your body and mind. But latter flights would be high, experienced and marching towards the infinity!

Think something every single day. You are the only person, who knows yourself completely and you only can make changes in you. You just need to start changing with the tiny, small things.

All the best!!

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  1. waah!
    what different he does in these 30 years of his extra life? Nothing!! He just spends these 30 years too wandering here and there just for the sake of his survival. What's the point in living?
    This applies to homosapiens as well!

  2. This answer is applicable to everyone! Nature has it's own way of teaching things to people. And thanks for writing this. :)

  3. I don't think so, he faces enough obstacles to survive each day!
