A Journey Full of Perplexion (Part - 4)

Now Aryan was leaving Himachal to turn his dream into reality and his passion into a career. He chose a prominent college of media and mass communication in Delhi where he opted for a three year photography course.

His new life began from and where everything was new; from his hometown to Delhi and from books to camera and lenses. But most of all, he was walking his way to happiness. Delhi was way diffrent than Shimla. From its weather to people. Only thing remained unchanged in this new life was Aryan and his introversion. Sheila was just afraid of Aryan's innocence and kind nature; anybody could easily use him. But then later she would realise that it's not her five year old kid anymore, Aryan is 21 now. He turned up to be a 6'2" tall, icy-fair and handsome figure. There in Delhi he was so much annoyed with the people asking various questions and was left only to tie a noticeboard saying, 'I'm neither a Kashmiri guy, nor I'm a model or actor'.  (-_-)

There in his hometown, Sheila was counting days, turning pages of calendars, marking each day with hope and despair. But all that she could do was just wait for Aryan . Since the day she bid adieu to Aryan at the airport, flashback of his childhood would bombinate her mind. Whenever she would sit idle while having her evening coffee; she could only think about Aryan. And suddenly a striking thought would come into her mind that Aryan looks exactly like his father, and her beloved husband. She would wipe her tears and return in the present where reality was harsh, where Aryan's dad was no more. Sheila had this only possible way to keep herself happy; by dwelling in the bittersweet memories of past. She would cherish them, smile softly, and get lost to the unknown where there was nobody except she and the memories swinging like a pendulum.

To be continued...

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