Great Escape
A year back in 2017; when I was in 12th and a studious (well yeah!) girl. My life had become extremely sluggish & inert. I just used to sit in a particular place for hours and revise, practice, study for the exams. Excluding all the physical activities and this unhealthy routine affected on my body as I had put a lot of weight on. Albeit I've always been a chubby child, it was the time my body was in its heaviest form. And I realized it in the summer vacations when we had gone on a trip & clicked photos, I was a perfect '0' figure. Now it was high time to get started and I decided to get fit.
When we returned back, I changed my routine, adapted some productive habits and simply started hustling hard.
Straight after a month and a half (within two months) I reduced five kg. It was not less than the feeling of a great accomplishment. It boosted me up to work and burn even harder. Everyone I met was complementing and appreciating;
YOU ARE LOOKING THINNER! These magical words seemed the most beautiful music to my ears.

So now I had achieved a bit and had a great milestone to reach ahead, I woke up too early next day (at 4 AM), got ready and went out for cycling at around 4:15. It was all dark and nobody was there except me, streetlights and the cool, fresh breeze. I was in love with the weather. I chose a route and kept pedaling. It was a narrow galli (a narrow, short passage like area) which would connect to the main road at the end. Everyone was sleeping (obviously!) And I was enjoying as the sweet smells of mogra & parijatak (night flowering Jasmine) had unfurled everywhere in the atmosphere.
I might have crossed 2 Kms and that was enough for the first day. I thought of returning from the same galli I had come from. I was going on and suddenly a dog started barking continuously and loudly. He was maybe "
petroling" and mistook me as a thief. Within a picosecond, I got to hear a loud, harsh barking of 4 to 5 dogs, altogether. My situation was beyond horrific because they all were running behind me. I was pedaling hard, very vigorously. My bicycle was unbalancing as I was unable to stabilise the handle out of fear. I too shouted once or twice, actually it was an obvious and automatic reaction to their barks. My heartbeats had never been so fast and I was all drenched in sweat. Dogs were barking until I get out of "
their" galli. I was badly terrified and somehow reached home. I was shivering and was unable to talk.
For sure I'm never gonna enter "that" galli ever again and certainly not before the sunrise. Thank God I had bicycle. I can't even imagine, how could I escape without my bicycle!? Dogs would have torn me apart.
So, this was my great escape and the "Hero" was obviously my cycle♥️
That's the spirit of a P. Ed. Student! ;-)
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