How to make someone happy?

Here that "someone" can be anybody you love. Because it's just these people whom you love and want to see happy right? Why would someone be willing to make a random stranger happy? We just want to make those happy whom we know; because somewhere & somehow it's associated with our own benefits. We are humans and humans are mean, selfish. You won't even strive to make someone happy if you're getting nothing in return, even if it means that cold 'thank-you'.

But I don't understand this; like why do you even go through hardships to make someone happy? Can't be that a simple process? Can not it just be a part of your life like breathing, walking, eating, drinking or any other activity? Creating happiness and sharing it has become a factory work rather than a natural process. Why can't we just wake out of bed, all happy and bursting out with liveliness, smiling at everyone who comes on the way, hugging the ones who are still lacking the happiness, and just creating, generating good vibes?

We must take up lessons from trees and plants for that. The way they create oxygen & release it unintentionally, effortlessly; we need that ease and strength. We need to calm down, stop for a while & look around. We live in a beautiful misunderstanding that we're gonna live a huge of a lifetime; nearly forever. But that ain't true! So no matter how many days we breathe; let's just try to be a happiness giver. This is the greatest need; greater than anything like reducing pollution, growing trees, earning money; because you can have dozens of problems and still be strong if you're happy. But if you don't have happiness, even the smallest of problems will break you down.

So, keep smiling and keep Happying!!

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  1. Beautiful thought to reflect on! We associate our happiness with people and materialistic things. When they fail to fulfill our expectations, we lose ourselves. Love yourself, positivity will find a way and reach you. As simple as that! That's the mantra.
